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Rider legs Lasalle
One of the most well known Marshal of Napoleon, his leadership was such that he earned respect of the men he commanded. The figure is supplied wearing an overcoat and can be either on foot or mounted. By ref. Possibility of horse riding or walking
The model offers the choice for making either an officer, guidon bearer, cuirassier or trumpeter of line. Emperor or Empress regiments.
The box set depicts a complete Train of artillery on move, including the famous 81 b Gribeauval gun, the limber towed by a 4 horse’s team and 2 drivers the Guard 1808-1812. This series depicts the most famous artillery and equipments of Napoleonic era. Offered in complete sets with equipments and figures, they allow the collector to make much alive...
This magnificent set depicts a line battery a complet batery in action, which includes 8 lb Gribeauval gun with a team of 9 'I he driver mounted on a 2 horses team with limber, waits for moving to a new position. This series depicts the most famous artillery and equipments of Napoleonic era. sets with equipments and figures, they allow the...
This waggon of Gribeauval type was used to supply the guns with ammunitions but they were often used to carry equipment and ammunitions of Infantry. The box set includes a caisson towed by a 4 horse’s team driven by 2 riders of the line 1808-1812. This series depicts the most famous artillery and equipments of Napoleonic era.
Created by baron LARREY this ambulance was used to carrywounded away from battlefield.The set includes a light ambulance, a 2 horses team with driver, one mounted officer, 2 foot figures and accessories. This series depicts the most famous artillery and equipments of Napoleonic era.
This odd vehicle was intended to provide quickly first aid on battlefield and to take the light wounded away. The set includes a Wurst, with a 2 horse’s team, one driver and 3 medical officers. This series depicts the most famous artillery and equipments of Napoleonic era. Offered in complete sets with equipments and figures, they allow the collector to...
This wagon was used to carry heavy equipments and food supply for regiments on campaign. The set includes a waggon towed by a 2 horses team, a driver and seated assistant. This series depicts the most famous artillery and equipments of Napoleonic era. Offered in complete sets with equipments and figures, they allow the collector to make much alive dioramas
Tireless traveler Napoleon was used to travel throughout Europe in berline. As an everyday scene, the halt would allow some relaxing time to the travelers while the coach driver was changing horses. The kit offers a set including a berline, 2 horses with driver. Napoleon, officer and valet.
Counterpart to French Gribeauval, the 8Ib gun was the base of british field artillery the gun was very compact in design and light with eased action. The set depicts a complete set on move including the gun and harnessing with 4 horses team and 2 drivers.
Much appreciated by troop’s which she provided with their comforts, the sutleress was a familiar person following Imperial armies on campaign. The proposed set comprises cantiniere with its carriage and mule loaded with supplies and a group of five soldiers at rest. This series depicts the most famous artillery and equipments of Napoleonic era.